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setupdtd102.exe - DTD Calculator: Clever Technology Making Custom Resolutions for Intel Graphics Easier

Автор: ftp
File name: setupdtd102.exe
File size: 369600 bytes (360.94Kb)

MD5: d1e75e8930677a21db53253c5401ce68
SHA256: 6ad5abca3cc975cef737ea33dd0506259ca43bd77ab279485bf637d7eef7b818

Download (http):

Download (ftp):

This software was written to aid in fitting your Media Centre desktop 
to your HD Screen or Projector. It will allow you to convert 
modelines to DTDs and back again and adjust standard timings to fit 
your monitor perfectly. It will also allow you to add your new 
resolution to the list of modes supported by integrated intel 

DTDCalculator is community supported at AVS Forum. The main thread 
for queries regarding this software and useage instructions can be 
found here.

Compatible with Windows XP and Vista.

The .net framework is required to run this software. This can be 
downloaded through windows update.

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вторник, 9 февраля 17:07:50 2016    

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Программирование, оформление: Константин Айги